Message of Love Oracle Cards - All Things Intuitive

From readings and Reiki to oracle card decks

When I founded All Things Intuitive in 2019, the business wasn't an independent oracle card publisher.

All Things Intuitive started as a card reading and Reiki practitioner business. At that time, I was a newly minted Reiki practitioner, and, for about a year, I worked one weekend a month doing both at the Big Psychic Fair in Roswell, GA.

Reiki at the Big Psychic FairIt was a great experience and helped me learn card reading, shuffling, and more from some of the best in the Atlanta area.

I gave a lot of love readings to clients, mainly using Angel Tarot cards. I think my record day was 11 readings back-to-back. (Yes, I came home and took a salt bath after that!)

At that time, the most popular commercially available romance oracle card deck was the Romance Angels by Doreen Virtue. But I had a problem with it. It featured white males and females in straight relationships and did not address the LGBTQ community, interracial relationships, people of other ethnicities, and more.

One day I had a divinely inspired idea while meditating. I could create a deck that did work for everyone. I had the background. I was a writer and editor for more than 20 years (I am 54 now).

That deck is Messages of Love. It features images of flowers and messages of guidance for any relationship. It does not contain pictures of people, and that was by design. I created a prototype on Make Playing Cards and brought it to 'try out' on my fellow psychics at the fair.

Messages of Love Oracle Cards - All Things Intuitive

I used the deck in my readings, and my fellow psychics even borrowed it from time to time to do their readings.


The first was my friend Joelle, a.k.a. The Viberarian.

The deck was a hit.

After that, I decided to order about 25 and sell them on Etsy, where we made our first sales. Demand kept growing, and we did pre-orders to pay for the inventory.

15k Etsy sales later and a launch last year on Amazon, and here we are. We now have seven oracle card decks and more in the works.

To this day, just as we did in 2019, we pay for every deck upfront before we sell them to you. All are made in the USA in partnership with Shuffled Ink in Orlando, also a family-owned business.

We appreciate all of your support of our woman-owned, family-owned small business.

-- Kristin
Founder, All Things Intuitive

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